Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday Night

Well I did it again. I ventured out into the cold abyss of -28. Yikes!!!! I didn't realize it was that cold. No wonder my bum was cold. I just purchased a new pair of ski pants. Got a great deal. They sure helped with trudging through the snow covered sidewalks. Wearing a pair of supportive hiking boots/winter boots also helped the ankles.

Again, I'm proud of myself. I was starving before dinner tonight. I'm trying to cook around the same time (5:30ish) so I keep on a schedule. I didn't eat instead I stayed in my office and worked.

Now it's crunch time and I'm feeling some stress. I've got what seems like a million things to do and it's getting close to bed time. I'm wanting to relax away from work and the computer. Once I'm done this post and logging in my exercise and food on Best Life I'm going to relax.

Wish me luck tomorrow. It's going to be a busy day with the 7 year olds. I know one who's going to be very tired and challenge me.



  1. You go girl! I'm with you all the way. Perhaps I'll join you - we'll see...

  2. You are an inspiration to me! I, too, need to get exercising more...I just need to make the time for it. There are lots of excuses I can make, but I need to do, I'd say I have to do it. I don't want to be the mum that can't participate with her kids because I'm too overweight.

    Are you following a specific program, or making it up as you go.

    You truly are an inspiration to me, in so many ways. Always have been, always will be.

  3. Hi Ladies
    I've joined Bob Greene's Best Life website. I'm tracking what I eat and exercising. Following his goals he's set out for me. By exercise I mean, working out to the Wii and walking. That's all I've got time for these days. Tomorrow is the challenge to get out of bed and do the Wii. I'm hoping since I posted it that I'll do it.

    Best luck to you both.
